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  • Apr12 Eastern Shore Sea Glass & Coastal Arts Festival Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum, St. Michaels, MD Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum, St. Michaels, MD Tickets
  • Apr23 Story Time with the Chesapeake Mermaid South Coastal Library, Bethany Beach, DE South Coastal Library, Bethany Beach, DE Free
  • May13 Chesapeake Mermaid Spring FUNdraiser Chesapeake Grille & Deli, Dunkirk, MD Chesapeake Grille & Deli, Dunkirk, MD Free
  • May31 NatureFest 2025 College of Southern Maryland, La Plata, MD College of Southern Maryland, La Plata, MD Free
  • Jun21 Storybook Saturday Delmarva Discovery Museum, Pocomoke City, MD Delmarva Discovery Museum, Pocomoke City, MD Tickets
  • Jun25 Stories and Fun with the Chesapeake Mermaid Cecil County Public Library, Elton, MD Cecil County Public Library, Elton, MD Free
  • Jun27 Chesapeake Mermaid's Storytime Fun Greenwood Public Library, Greenwood, DE Greenwood Public Library, Greenwood, DE Free
  • Jul02 Story Time with the Chesapeake Mermaid South Coastal Library, Bethany Beach, DE South Coastal Library, Bethany Beach, DE Free
  • Aug26 Chesapeake Mermaid Summer FUNdraiser Chesapeake Market & Deli, North Beach, MD Chesapeake Market & Deli, North Beach, MD Free
  • Sep01 Community Education and Engagement Skipjack Race & Festival, Deal Island Historic District, MD Skipjack Race & Festival, Deal Island Historic District, MD Free
  • Sep06 Book Signing at Page After Page Maryland Renaissance Festival, Crownsville, MD Maryland Renaissance Festival, Crownsville, MD Tickets
  • Oct18 U.S. National Oyster Festival St. Mary's County Fairgrounds, Leonardtown, MD St. Mary's County Fairgrounds, Leonardtown, MD Tickets
  • Nov14 The Waterfowl Festival Talbot County Free Library, Easton, MD Talbot County Free Library, Easton, MD Tickets
  • Nov18 Chesapeake Mermaid Fall FUNdraiser Chesapeake Grille & Deli, Dunkirk, MD Chesapeake Grille & Deli, Dunkirk, MD Free


Discover our local environmental adventure stories! The Last Bivalvian explores the history of the Chesapeake Bay and oysters, while The Giants of the Bay highlights key environmental challenges. Century Island delves into habitat loss and disappearing islands.

These 32-page picture books feature captivating stories, illustrations, maps, fun facts, a song, and ways to help the environment. Available at our events, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Target, and select retailers. For wholesale orders, visit our online shop.

activity books

Explore our environmental activity books! Learning Nature is a coloring book featuring over 100 native plants and animals, along with finger-spelling in ASL. Counting Colors has puzzles and games exploring numbers and colors in ASL. Both books introduce new characters guiding you through the wildlife of the Chesapeake watershed.

Each 120-page, 8.5 x 11-inch book is perfect for nature lovers and ideal as a companion to our storybook series. Available at events and select retailers. For wholesale orders, visit our online shop.


“It was standing room only for The Chesapeake Mermaid, a traveling nature show… Bradley and her little sister Teddi Strickland of Easton were ‘very excited”’ to see the mermaid. They were two of the first to queue up in the long waiting line with their mom Ali. About 100 children, parents and grandparents packed Mr. Chatterton’s classroom to hear about “The Giants of the Bay” Saturday afternoon. The mermaid, who is deaf, taught the kids sign language about life in the Chesapeake.”

Connie Connolly “The Star Democrat” Nov 12, 2022



Chesapeake Mermaid, Inc. is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that creates unforgettable environmental education programs, books, and activities. Our unique outreach focuses on Chesapeake Bay wildlife and habitats, promoting daily environmental stewardship.


We design our programs based on trusted, firsthand experiences gained through wildlife rescue and habitat restoration. Our presentations go beyond traditional storytelling, combining education, artistry, and entertainment to foster emotional connections to the Chesapeake Bay for all ages.

engage, educate, entertain

Each hour-long program includes sign language, movement, storytelling, song, and ways to contribute to environmental preservation. We cater to schools, parks, museums, festivals, and more. We are an independent organization, not affiliated with crowd-sourced talent, props, or programs.

15 YEARS and counting

Now in our 15th year, we’ve engaged up to 30,000 individuals annually. It’s heartwarming to see the children we once taught have now grown up and brought their own children to us for learning. Our passion has become a cherished tradition, and we’re honored to continue nurturing the growth and development of each new generation that lives on our shores. Book our services in advance to ensure availability. Invite the Chesapeake Mermaid to your next event today!


The Chesapeake Mermaid was a rousing hit with kids AND parents and a terrific draw for our three-day event. Looking forward to next year and providing a larger space for the growing crowd. Thanks for working with us and being an important part of the event!
Waterfowl Festival Logo
Dennis Cassidy, Chairman of Chesapeake Marketplace, Easton Waterfowl Festival
The Chesapeake Mermaid brings the wonder and magic of our beautiful bay to life! Her stories and songs captivate audiences and help them fall in love with this natural gem we have right in our backyards. She teaches us how to be better stewards to this special place and leaves everyone with a smile.
Lauren Pathoumthong, Otter Point Creek Site Manager, Anita C. Leight Estuary Center
The Chesapeake Mermaid delighted a large group of children with a performance of ‘The Last Bivalvian’ storytime and environmental education at our museum. The Mermaid's set was amazing, well crafted and creative. The Mermaid and her team were very professional and wonderful to work with to plan and execute the event. We will definitely have them back in the future.
Executive Director, Havre de Grace Maritime Museum
The Chesapeake Mermaid brings so much joy to our events. We love how her persona draws kids in and she uses her platform to advocate for the Bay, its tributaries, and all the critters that call it home.
Elizabeth Rive rProject
Casey Shaw, Director of Marketing and Communications, Elizabeth River Project
Working with the Chesapeake Mermaid is such a fun and authentic way to engage and educate both kids and adults about our amazing local environment. She is everything that a Chesapeake Bay mermaid should be!
Adam Lindquist, VP Programs and Environmental Initiatives, Waterfront Partnership
You guys were awesome! From the setup, to the performances, to the breakdown. You guys were wonderful. Thank you for working with us on such a beloved event!
Annmarie sculpture gardens & art center
Kathrin Bizzarro, Performer Coordinator, Annmarie Sculpture Garden & Arts Center


Join us in volunteering! The Chesapeake Mermaid team is made up of a lot of amazing folks doing work all around the Bay. Check out some of these amazing opportunities and find your local parks and community groups for ways you can become involved.

Oyster Cage Cleaning

Oyster Cage Cleaning

Oyster Gardening

Oyster Gardening

sea turtle rescue

Sea Turtle Rescue and Release

Constructing Oyster Castles

Constructing Oyster Castles

Salt and Stream

Salt & Stream Community Cleanups

Building Predator Guards

Building Predator Guards

Kent Island Team

Kent Island Beach Cleanups

Cannery Park

Cannery Park Cleanup

Can’t get out into the field for a hands on environmental activity? Check out our crafts for more ways you can be learning, recycling, and growing from home! We work with home schools and scout groups to bring the fun of a field trip to you.

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free coloring sheets

The Chesapeake Mermaid co-branded activity sheets

Anyone can add their logo and flaunt their support of our unique educational brand

We are excited to present 12 complimentary educational activity sheets designed specifically for PreK-3 learners, courtesy of Chesapeake Navigator’s Kids Club! Whether for one child or a thousand, these engaging activities are sure to delight. Access a selection of 12 exquisite designs from our annual collection, for monthly release or all at once. Customize them with your logo to demonstrate your commitment to our region’s wildlife and ecosystems.

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advertising BUNDLE

The Chesapeake Mermaid promotions and advertising bundle

Captivate your audience before, during, and after your event with custom elements

Have you secured your adventure with the Chesapeake Mermaid and are all set to embark? We have an array of charming resources available for customization with your special date and logo, aiding you in your journey. Enjoy complimentary posters, coloring pages, and engaging activity sheets. Create fun take-aways. Explore all the Chesapeake Mermaid has to offer. Let’s craft an unforgettable experience together that leaves your guests eagerly anticipating more.

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the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapSE

Our hearts are with the children impacted by the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse. The Chesapeake Mermaid team has crafted a resource guide, including coloring and activity sheets, to help families navigate grief and change. Available in both English and Spanish. Parents, educators, healthcare providers, social workers, and all professionals supporting children can access these resources at no cost.     » Access the resource guide


Bona Terra has awarded a plant grant for native species to The Chesapeake Mermaid, Inc. Plants will be added to Mermaid Grove for continuing education and distribution.
Bona Terra plant icon
Bona Terra, LLC
February 2023
First place awarded to The Chesapeake Mermaid in “Create Your Own State Park” challenge for the development of Mermaid Grove.
Maryland Park Service
Maryland Park Service
December 2021
First place awarded to The Chesapeake Mermaid for Shoreline & Waterway Management Section’s “Keep Off the Dunes” signage contest. Winning artwork to be reproduced as signs and placed near dunes along Delaware’s coastline.
Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control
Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control
October 2019

Get In Touch

For booking or any other information, feel free to get in touch!

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)


    Your Message

    fans and followers

    You are a treasure. Thank you for being so kind and accessible to children about the environment, mermaids, being deaf, and really, just everything!
    Kris Raams Smith, Shady Side
    We absolutely loved her when we went. She captivated the kids & the adults.
    Irene Bergamasco D'Onofrio, Havre de Grace
    A really unique environmental education experience based in the Chesapeake Bay Area. I can attest that the kids love the @chesapeakemermaid.
    Andy Adams, Abingdon
    I love this so much. My Mom went deaf at 5 after a ear infection you remind me so much of my Mom. You're a true blessing. We loved your show Chesapeake Mermaid!
    Kathy Brown, Parkville
    We just visited you at the inner harbor and my daughter Penny can't stop talking about a real mermaid. Thank you so much!
    Matthew Ristau, Baltimore
    My 91 year old mother enjoyed your show and participated in the signing. Thanks!
    Kitty Nicodemus Baker, Southern Maryland
    The audience loved pretending to be oysters, hunching over on the floor and then opening when a wave came along, eating everything they could before they closed up again.
    John Chambless, West Grove
    We made the [2 hour] trip from Waldorf more for my 3yr-old and she had a blast. Chesapeake Mermaid being there was part of our decision to go and she was great.
    Melinda DuRousseau, Waldorf
    My night was completed by meeting the Chesapeake Mermaid. I felt like a little girl at Disney meeting Ariel.
    Danielle Renee Bowen, Saint Leonard
    Please come back again next summer. My girls keep asking about you!!!
    Kim Corbett, Ocean City
    That’s my little one in the photo with you! We can’t wait to see you again on Saturday!
    Kelly DeLuca, Havre de Grace
    Bless you and your big heart, as big as that ginormous tail.
    Brittany Long
    You host the greatest events. In an age where children have so many distractions to learning, you make it fun and interesting!
    Michael Burro, Lawrenceville

    the chesapeake mermaid